It is still available for sale despite being included in another free DLC. The War Horse, along with other pre-order content, was released in 2011 as DLC on the PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE, for $0.99/£0.79 or 80 Microsoft Points. The War Horse was intended to be exclusive content codes to 'unlock' the mount were provided to buyers of the Limited Edition and through various pre-order incentive programs at certain US and UK retailers. In short: the War Horse shall not make or break your game, the DLC/extra removes no experiential reward for those unfortunately not monetarily or otherwise well-positioned, but, the War Horse is markedly unique in its power and strengths, and makes even the most rigorous hardcore difficulty purism, less punishing. Simplifying, It carries the strengths of the American Standardbred, Hungarian Half-bred and Kentucky Saddle breeds, the variegated speed, health and stamina bonuses, whilst retaining none of their limitations or weaknesses. Its stamina is equal to that of the Kentucky Saddler and its speed is nearly as fast as the American Standardbred, giving it the highest overall statistics of any horse in the game. The War Horse is a silver dapple black horse with a white sock marking on its hind leg.